Download "Mountain Trees - Dynamic Nature" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.

File size: 750.2 MB
Latest version: 2.8.8
Latest release date: Mar 1, 2025
Original Unity version: 2020.3.22
Render Pipeline Compatibility
This pack supports the following render pipelines:
- Built-in Render Pipeline: Compatible
- Universal Render Pipeline (URP): Compatible
- High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP): Compatible
To run HD or URP, please import the pack into an HD or URP project and then import the support pack located in the "HD and URP support" folder. It will replace scene and material files so they work with RP out of the box.
This pack contains 8 PBR mountain fir trees in 63 prefabs. Trees can be placed in a forest (special forest tree versions) or as standalone. The pack includes shaders with dynamic snow cover.
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The pack contains:
- 8 PBR mountain fir trees in 63 prefabs (39 standard + 24 Vegetation Studio prefabs).
- Optimized for performance with low overdraw, draw call usage, and advanced wind shading.
- Dynamic snow overlay feature to adjust snow amount on trees in static scenes.
Prefab Variants
- Normal: 4 trees with 2 bark materials for blending.
- Cheap: All trees use 1 bark material and shared leaves/bark for batching.
- Normal/Cheap with dynamic snow.
- Normal/Cheap with static snow.
Tree Stages
- Plant
- Small
- Medium
- Big standalone (2 variants)
- Forest trees (2 variants with fewer triangles and reduced shadows).
- Dead tree
- Snow set (5 textures).
- 14 bark sets (45 textures).
- Leaves (4 textures).
- 16 cross-texture sets (32 textures).
- Supports Vegetation Studio and Vegetation Studio Pro instanced indirect rendering.
- Includes 2 cross shaders (with/without snow), 4 bark shaders, and 4 leaf shaders.
- Dynamic snow real-time updates for Vegetation Studio and Pro.
Wind Shading
Advanced and optimized wind shading shared across assets.
Additional Information
- Asset Store Link
- Forest demo scene download links and required assets are available in YouTube video descriptions.
- Frozen land tutorial demo scene download links and required assets are also in YouTube video descriptions.
Important Notes
The pack includes ported wind from Unity 2018 HD SRP into lower Unity versions and LW SRP. This means the asset uses files like NMWind.cginc, NMWindNoShiver.cginc, and others under the Unity Companion License. See the Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.
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