Download "Fracturing & Destruction" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.

File size: 46.2 MB
Latest version: 1.40
Latest release date: Mar 23, 2024
Original Unity version: 2021.3.2
Render Pipeline Compatibility
This pack supports the following render pipelines:
- Built-in Render Pipeline: Compatible
- Universal Render Pipeline (URP): Compatible
- High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP): Compatible
The Ultimate Fracturing & Destruction Tool is a Unity editor extension that allows you to fracture, slice, and explode meshes into shards.
It also allows you to visually edit behaviors for all in-game destruction events like collisions and projectile impacts. This enables triggering sounds and creating dust or explosion particles without any scripting.
Includes four different sample scenes!
Demo Links:
Compatible with our Concave Collider
- Includes sample scenes for quick learning
- Includes full source code
- Fracture / break / slice / explode an object
- Supports BSP & Voronoi fracture algorithms
- Imports externally fractured objects (RayFire...)
- Structural behavior and shard interconnection
- Detects mesh islands generating chunks
- Maps the interior of the broken mesh
- Event editor for particles, prefabs & sounds
- Compound object fracturing support
- Integration with our Concave Collider tool
- Tested with PlayMaker and ProBuilder
- Many parameters to play with!
Additional Information
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