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Broccoli Tree Creator v1.9.12 (04 Mar 2025) - Free Download

Broccoli Tree Creator is a Unity Extension for Procedural Vegetation that gives you full control on how your trees and vegetation should behave and lo
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Broccoli Tree Creator is a Unity Extension for Procedural Vegetation that gives you full control on how your trees and vegetation should behave and look to fit right in your project.

Download "Broccoli Tree Creator" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.


File size: 597.6 MB

Latest version: 1.9.12

Latest release date: Mar 4, 2025

Original Unity version: 2021.3.45

Render Pipeline Compatibility

This pack supports the following render pipelines:

  • Built-in Render Pipeline: Compatible
  • Universal Render Pipeline (URP): Compatible
  • High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP): Compatible

Note: When opening an example scene, Broccoli will ask if you want it to upgrade the package materials to the detected Render Pipeline. If you agree, Broccoli will upgrade its materials to the detected SRP.

For more information on working with URP and HDRP projects, check out the Broccoli Documentation Graphics section.


Broccoli Tree Creator is a Procedural Vegetation System to create highly customizable assets for your project, in real-time or by Prefabs.

It uses a node-based system that provides randomization and customization on almost every aspect of the final tree, so that the trees and vegetation will fit just right in your project's visual style, while being optimized for performance. Control the shape of the trunk, branches, roots, and leaves, manage their mesh resolution, fine-tune the materials, textures, and UV mapping.

Key Links:


  • Procedural vegetation system for creating highly customizable trees and vegetation.
  • Node-based system for randomization and customization of every aspect of the final tree.
  • Control over the shape of trunks, branches, roots, and leaves.
  • Mesh resolution management for performance optimization.
  • Fine-tuning of materials, textures, and UV mapping.
  • Real-time creation or prefab-based workflows.
  • Compatible with Built-in, URP, and HDRP render pipelines.
  • Automatic material upgrades when switching render pipelines.

Additional Information

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