Download "Black Cat Animated" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.

File size: 26.7 MB
Latest version: 5.3.8p2
Latest release date: Jan 9, 2018
Original Unity version: 5.3.8
This is a low-poly 3D animated cat model with 17 root motion animations, designed for use in games and other interactive projects.
The package includes:
- 17 Animations in Root Motion
- 2 Textures
- 1 Prefab
- 1 Script
- 1 Sample Scene
Model Details
- Polygons: 3730
- Vertices: 3733
- Geometry: Polygonal Quads only
- Cat_D.png (Diffuse Map)
- Cat_N.png (Normal Map)
Animations List
- attack
- attack2
- died
- eating
- getup
- hited
- idle
- jumping
- licking
- meow
- running
- sitting
- sneaking
- trotting
- turnleft
- turnright
- walking
Animation Demo
Root Motion demo included for testing and implementation.
Additional Information
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