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Animation Baking Studio 3D to 2D v4.1.2 - Free Download

You can take pictures of various 3D models in various directions. Output files are sprite sheets, animation clips, normal maps, and etc. that can be u
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You can take pictures of various 3D models in various directions. Output files are sprite sheets, animation clips, normal maps, and etc. that can be used for 2D or 2.5D games.

Download Animation Baking Studio (3D to 2D) for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.


File size: 23.5 MB

Latest version: 4.1.2

Latest release date: Nov 18, 2024

Original Unity version: 2019.4.40


Animation Baking Studio (3D to 2D) is a powerful tool that allows you to take pictures of various 3D models in various directions. The output files include sprite sheets, animation clips, normal maps, and more, which can be used for 2D or 2.5D games.


  • Legacy and Mechanim Animation Models: Support for legacy and Mechanim animation models.
  • Particle System Model: Capture particle system animations.
  • Continuous Filming Models and Animations: Capture continuous filming of models and animations.
  • Continuous Filming in Various Directions: Capture models and animations from multiple angles.
  • Variety of Shadow Types: Support for different shadow types.
  • Sprite Sheet Creation: Automatically generate sprite sheets for 2D animations.
  • Animation Clips Creation: Export animation clips for use in 2D games.
  • Animator Controller Creation: Generate animator controllers for complex animations.
  • Prefab Creation: Create prefabs from captured models.
  • Normal Map Creation: Generate normal maps for textures.
  • Material Creation: Create materials for use in 2D games.
  • Play Mode Baking: Support for mirror animations and animation rigging in Play Mode.

Render Pipeline Compatibility

  • Built-in Render Pipeline: Compatible
  • Universal Render Pipeline (URP): Compatible
  • High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP): Not compatible


Animation Baking Studio (3D to 2D) is compatible with:

  • Unity Version:
    • 6000.0.26f1: Compatible
    • 2019.4.40f1: Compatible

Important Notes

  • Update Instructions: When updating the asset, please delete the SpriteBakingStudio folder and update it from the Package Manager.
  • Import Instructions: If the SpriteBakingStudio folder is imported from the Package Manager, delete the SpriteBakingStudio package from your asset download folder.
  • Object Baking Studio: If you want to capture a single screenshot instead of an animation, please look into Object Baking Studio. Note that Object Baking Studio cannot be upgraded to this asset.

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