Download "Simple Video Player" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.

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Latest release date: Not specified
Original Unity version: Not specified (Works with Unity versions supporting the Unity Video Player component)
About Simple Video Player
Simple Video Player is an extension of Unity’s video player component, adding simple out-of-the-box controls to enhance your video playback experience. It is designed to work seamlessly across multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac.
- Playing/Pausing: Easily control video playback.
- Scrub Bar: Skip through videos with precision.
- Volume Control: Adjust audio levels directly from the interface.
- (Mobile) Fullscreen Mode: Expand videos to fullscreen on mobile devices.
- Portrait/Landscape Orientations: Automatically adapt to device orientation on mobile.
- Autoplaying: Start videos automatically upon loading.
- Looping: Enable continuous playback of videos.
- Skipping: Jump to specific points in the video timeline.
- Shuffling: Randomize the order of video playback.
- Muting: Toggle sound on or off.
- Loading Spinner: Display a spinner while downloading or buffering videos.
- Time Display: Show current time, scrub bar time, and total end time.
- Object Pooling: Efficiently manage downloaded movies/videos using object pooling.
- Source Code Included: Modify and extend the functionality as needed.
Simple Video Player works across the following platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- Mac
The asset leverages Unity's built-in Video Player component, ensuring compatibility with Unity versions that support this feature.
Simple Video Player enhances Unity's default video player by providing intuitive and customizable controls for seamless video playback. Whether you're developing for mobile, desktop, or other platforms, this asset ensures a smooth user experience with minimal setup required.
Key benefits include easy integration, cross-platform support, and the ability to customize the video player interface to suit your project's needs.
Use Cases
Simple Video Player is ideal for projects requiring:
- Interactive video content in games or applications.
- Customizable video playback controls for mobile apps.
- Efficient management of video assets in large-scale projects.
- Seamless video transitions and looping for immersive experiences.
Contact Information
- Email: For support or inquiries, please contact the asset provider directly.
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