Download "Modern man" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.

File size: 51.4 MB
Latest version: 1.0
Latest release date: Feb 8, 2021
Original Unity version: 2018.4.4 or higher
Modern man
PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)
PBR textures.
- -Albedo
- -AO
- -Metallic
- -Normal
- -roughness
(Low polygon model of Modern man, perfect for any of your games: Role-playing games, strategy, first-person, third-person Contains texture maps 2048x2048. In the model, it is desirable to use a Shader with two-sided polygon mapping. The character is equipped with a rig
Faces - 17673 Tris - 27852 Verts - 25578
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