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Healing Spells Sounds v1.0 - Free Download

117 High-Quality healing spell SFX for video games genres like RPG, Fantasy, JRPG, Cartoon, Anime, Casual RPG, etc... divided in:
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117 High-Quality healing spell SFX for video games genres like RPG, Fantasy, JRPG, Cartoon, Anime, Casual RPG, etc... divided in:

Download "Healing Spells Sounds" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.


File size: (Not Specified)

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Latest release date: (Not Specified)

Original Unity version: (Not Specified)

Healing Spells Sounds

117 High-Quality healing spell SFX for video games genres like RPG, Fantasy, JRPG, Cartoon, Anime, Casual RPG, etc...


Healing Spells Sounds
117 High-Quality healing spell SFX for video games genres like RPG, Fantasy, JRPG, Cartoon, Anime, Casual RPG, etc... divided in:
YouTube Link (hear the audio preview of the 117 SFX)
- Heals (standard, fast, sci-fi, water heal, mystic, etc...)
- Protection/Shield Spells
- Mana Healing Spells
- Spell Impacts
- Holy Attacks
- Projectiles
- Buffs
- Healing Loops
- Small Whooshes (healing whooshes, fast whooshes)
- Lasers
- Recharge Spells
- Negative Healing
- UI
Check every sound included in the Tracklist PDF
Can be complemented with:
Magic Spells Sounds
More about the pack:
- Intuitive file naming.
- Very easy to implement in your game.
- Put more life to your game with this pack.
- All you will ever need regarding magic sounds.
All files are in:
WAV - Stereo 44.1 Khz, 16bit

❤️ If you enjoy this asset, consider leaving a review to support the creator. Thank you! ❤️


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