Download "Simple Waypoint System" for FREE. This package is provided only for learning purposes or to test before purchasing the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.
File size: 16.9 MB
Latest version: 5.5.3
Latest release date: November 17, 2024
Original Unity version: 2020.3.0 or higher
The Simple Waypoint System is an essential tool used by over 8,200 developers for creating paths and moving objects within Unity. It provides an intuitive way to design linear, curved, and Bezier paths directly in the Unity editor. Objects can follow paths with various movement and loop types, making it versatile for games and simulations.
With built-in DOTween integration, NavMesh support, and advanced samples, this asset ensures seamless implementation of movement and navigation in your Unity projects.
Key Features
- Linear, curved, Bezier, and NavMesh paths.
- Movement scripts with multiple loop types and orientation options.
- UnityEvents to trigger custom methods at waypoints.
- Mecanim Animator Controller support.
- Includes DOTween for optimized tween movement (included).
- Advanced example scenes and runtime API for quick starts.
- Waypoint rotation mode for precise movement.
Technical Specifications
- 10 example scenes: Includes advanced samples, spline paths, player input, and rapid input.
- Runtime API: Customizable for dynamic path adjustments.
- Sample assets: Includes sample scenes by Unity Technologies.
Render Pipeline Compatibility
- Built-in Render Pipeline: Compatible.
- Universal Render Pipeline (URP): Compatible.
- High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP): Compatible.
This asset is licensed and distributed under Unity's terms. For more details, visit the Unity Asset Store.
This package is for educational and testing purposes only. For commercial use, purchase the full version from the Unity Asset Store.
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