Download "Really Simple Steam Integration" for FREE. This package is provided only for learning purposes or to test before purchasing the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.
File size: 1020.7 KB
Latest version: 1.0
Latest release date: May 5, 2023
Original Unity version: 2020.3.36 or higher
Really Simple Steam Integration provides an effortless way to integrate your game with Steam/Steamworks. With a focus on simplicity, it’s designed to cater to developers of all skill levels while maintaining flexibility and power. This asset ensures seamless integration with Steam's core features to enhance player engagement.
Key Features
- Create leaderboards dynamically or via Steamworks for "global top scores", "global around player", or "player and friends only".
- Unlock achievements directly or by quantity (e.g., collect items, eliminate enemies).
- Save data in the Steam Cloud separated by profiles for multi-user devices.
- Retrieve Steam Friends’ names and avatars for customized features, such as offline scoreboards or character naming.
- Display the current logged-in player's name and avatar in-game to avoid account confusion.
- Drag-and-drop UI components for player and friend statistics.
Render Pipeline Compatibility
- Built-in Render Pipeline: Compatible.
- Universal Render Pipeline (URP): Compatible.
- High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP): Compatible.
Technical Notes
Ensure to carefully follow the documentation to set up "Really Simple Steam Integration" correctly and avoid errors in your project.
This asset is distributed under the Unity Asset Store licensing terms. For more details, visit the Unity Asset Store.
This package is provided for educational and testing purposes only. For commercial use, purchase the original version from the Unity Asset Store.
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