Download "Platformer Engine" for FREE. This package is provided for learning purposes or testing before purchase. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.
File size: 16.4 MB
Latest version: 2.05
Latest release date: January 13, 2025
Original Unity version: 2021.3.0 or higher
The Platformer Engine is a comprehensive and advanced toolkit for creating 2D and 2.5D platformer games. This powerful and adaptable engine provides developers with all the tools needed to bring their dream platformer game to life.
Designed for scalability, ease of use, and creative flexibility, the Platformer Engine supports a wide range of customizable settings, making it perfect for any type of platformer project.
Key Features
- Advanced Player Movement: Includes features like double/triple jump, wall jump, crouch, slide, dash, gliding, grapple hook, and more.
- Weapon Systems: Modular weapon creation system supports raycast, projectile, melee, and custom weapons with numerous customization options.
- Health & Inventory Systems: Fully functional health and shield systems, along with a customizable inventory.
- Camera Effects: Includes camera shake and various visual effects.
- Enemies: AI systems for enemies with examples of basic enemies and turret AI.
- Power-Ups: Easily create custom power-ups with 7 examples included.
- UI Kit: Comprehensive UI components, including menus, tooltips, and parallax backgrounds.
- Utilities: Drag-and-drop extras like checkpoints, destructibles, loot chests, teleporters, and more.
- Controller and Mobile Support: Fully supports controllers and mobile touch input.
- Documentation & Tutorials: Extensive documentation and tutorials to guide you through the development process.
Render Pipeline Compatibility
- Built-in Render Pipeline: Compatible
- Universal Render Pipeline (URP): Compatible
- High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP): Compatible
💡 Start building your platformer game faster than ever with the Platformer Engine! If you find this asset helpful, consider leaving a review or sharing your creations with the community. 💡
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