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Mars Environment 1 v1.0 - Free Download

Elevate your workflow with the Mars Landscape asset from Black Sun. Find this & other Landscapes
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Elevate your workflow with the Mars Landscape asset from Black Sun. Find this & other Landscapes

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Mars Environment 1.5 for FREE. Please note that this package is provided only for learning purposes or to test before purchasing, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Mars Environment 1.5 Key Image


Tris: 2287

Vertices: 1698

Texture Resolution: 2048x2048 (Normal, Diffuse, Specular)


The Mars Environment 1.5 is a highly detailed, optimized 3D asset designed to create realistic Martian landscapes. With low polygon counts and high-resolution textures, this asset is ideal for creating immersive environments for games, simulations, or visual projects.

Key Features

  • Optimized geometry with 2287 triangles and 1698 vertices.
  • High-resolution textures (2048x2048) for Normal, Diffuse, and Specular maps.
  • Realistic Martian terrain design, perfect for sci-fi or space-themed projects.
  • Lightweight asset suitable for mobile and PC platforms.


This asset can be used to create detailed Martian surfaces for first-person or third-person games, cinematic visuals, or scientific simulations. Its efficient design ensures smooth performance across platforms.


If you encounter any issues or require customization for this asset, feel free to reach out to the creator. Your feedback is invaluable for improving this product.

❤️ If you enjoy this asset, please consider supporting the creator by purchasing the original on the store! ❤️


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