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Hot Reload Edit Code Without Compiling v1.12.14 - Free Download

Edit any C# function and get immediate updates in your game.
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Edit any C# function and get immediate updates in your game.

This is a paid asset, but now you can download Hot Reload | Edit Code Without Compiling for FREE. Please note that this package is provided only for learning purposes or to test before purchasing, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.


File size: 3.0 MB

Latest version: 1.12.14

Release date: Dec 30, 2024

Original Unity version: 2019.4.16 or higher


Hot Reload enables developers to instantly apply changes to their C# code without the need to compile. It's a time-saving solution for indie developers and large studios alike, designed to optimize productivity and keep your game running while editing code.

View on Unity Asset Store

Key Features

  • Instant Code Updates: Apply changes to C# code without stopping or recompiling.
  • Wide Edit Support: Edit functions, generics, lambdas, async/await, properties, and more.
  • Seamless Integration: Works in PlayMode, EditMode, and even on devices.
  • High Performance: Immediate updates regardless of project size or complexity.
  • Verified Unity Solution: Trusted by developers and supported long-term by Unity.
  • Unity Awards 2023 Nominee: Recognized as one of the best development tools.

Render Pipeline Compatibility

  • Compatible with Built-in, Universal Render Pipeline (URP), and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP).

Setup Instructions

  1. Download & Import: Get the asset from the Unity Asset Store and import it into your project.
  2. Run Hot Reload: Click the 'Start' button to initialize Hot Reload.
  3. Edit & See Results: Make changes to your C# code and watch them take effect instantly.

❤️ If you find this asset helpful, consider supporting the developer by purchasing it and leaving a review! ❤️

Please note that Hot Reload is governed by its own EULA rather than the standard Unity Asset Store EULA. For licensing inquiries, reach out to the developer.


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